Data is a valuable asset to any organization, with the majority of structured and unstructured data stored in databases. Enterprises must safeguard data against unauthorized access not only from external users but also from internal users.
Database Assessment and Remediation service is extended to identify database configuration, patch status, and security settings; it is performed by examining the database system both internally and externally — in relation to known, latest threats, industry best practices, and IT operations guidelines.
Database auditing entails observing a database in order to be aware of database users' actions. Auditing is frequently set up by database administrators and consultants for security reasons, such as ensuring that those who do not have permission to access information do not access it.
Database SecurityAuditing is typically used to:
To understand your organization's security exposure, it is critical to perform a thorough assessment of your database servers before deployment and then on a regular basis. We specialize in compliance auditing, detailed configuration reviews (host security assessment), vulnerability assessments, and penetration tests for various database platforms and technologies. SQL, Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, and DB2 are some examples.
- Enable future accountability for actions currently taken that affect a specific content, table, or schema.
- Based on that accountability, deter users (or others) from engaging in inappropriate behaviour.
- Investigate suspicious activity
- Notify an auditor that an unauthorized user is modifying or deleting data and that the user has more privileges than expected, which may necessitate reevaluating user authorizations.
- Monitor and collect information about specific database activities.
- Identify issues with authorization or access control implementations.